Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Friday, October 19, 2012

We didn’t get started until about 11am on Day 2 in Sydney. We had heard about Paddy’s Market City. We had been told by our dinner companions on the Spirit that it was a place that we had to see.

So, off we went exploring again. Doing a little research with our city maps, we found that we could go back to Central Station by the City Rail and then catch a tram to Paddy’s. So, back to Central Station we went. Here is where we are going to catch the tram. We had been here yesterday, but didn’t realize what we were seeing. Notice the rails on the ground?

Here comes our tram… Because it only had about three cars and no station ticket takers, each tram has a car attendant to verify you have a ticket. If not, they sell you one immediately. Again, our multipass allows us to ride for free.

As we get off the tram at Paddy’s Market City, I took this shot. Our tram is on the left (look for the big picture window) is leaving the station. The tram on the right is also leaving to go back to Central Station. If you look close, you can see the monorail that is at the station above the trams in the tube.

Before going into Paddy’s, we decide to walk around and see if we can find a restaurant to eat at. As it turns out, we are in Chinatown. There are plenty of restaurants, all serving Chinese or Thailand food. We finally settle on a restaurant and we are probably the only ones in the restaurant that do not speak Chinese.

We order a dish of king prawns (shrimp, large shrimp) with noodles and scrambled eggs. When it came, it was surprisingly good. We were glad that we only ordered one dish, because it was enough to feed both of us and still have plenty left.

Next, it is time to tackle Paddy’s Market City. The building is huge.

As we go in, the place is full of merchandise and people. It is almost like a flea market in the states, but everything here is either new items or handcrafted goods. We walk and we walk and still don’t see everything. What ever you want, it is here. Want a massage? it is here. Need new shoes? It is here. Need new clothes? They are here, including a tailor that will make shirts while you wait or shop. Need souvenirs  They are here all over the place. They have knifes and boomerangs, but I didn't see any guns. 

We did find some luggage fairly cheap since we need to replace some as one of our pieces of luggage was torn up pretty good on the flight to Seattle. Of course, when we find the place again, the one piece of luggage we were looking at had been sold. Go figure... However, they said that we could get another one the next day. Another trip to Paddy’s is in store for tomorrow. Yeah!

Leaving the market, we decide to take a trip on the monorail and see what we can see. Well, our multipass tickets did not work and we had to pay extra. As we are going around the circuit, we realize that we can’t take any pictures because they have advertising on the windows and all I could get were little dots of the outside. We get back to where we started and decide to get something else to eat before going back to our hotel.

NOTE: Here are where the pictures I should have taken from the monorail would be if I could have taken any!

Going back to the tram stop, we walk past a McDonald’s and decide to eat something small instead of having a huge meal that evening. We had the choice of eating outside or inside. Did I mention that Rexie said no more eating outside with the birds? We ate inside and watched all the people trying to eat outside with the birds flying around them. This time, there were twice as many and they also included pigeons.

On the way back through the subway, I took a picture of one of the trains. The outside is nice as well as the inside. The only problem is that many of the windows have been scratched by people putting their names on the windows. At least there wasn’t any cussing going on.

Back to our hotel safe and sound, again. Tomorrow, another trip to Paddy’s Market is planned.

Our oldest son thinks we need a keeper. He is probably pulling out more hair when we sees us exploring like this.

I must be off!


Anonymous said...

hey hey!! this is a very nice website here and I just wanted to comment & say that you've done a great job here! Very nice choice of colors & layout, very easy on the eyes.. Nicely done!…

Kelly Utsinger said...

Love the t-shirt! This is the first in over a week that I've had a chance to read the blog. Looks like you've gotten around quite a bit and have seen alot of Sydney. That's awesome!