Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tomorrow we get to Sydney. But for now, Bora Bora, Tahiti.

Bora Bora was the last Tahitian island that we visited. We decided to take an excursion around the island’s 22 mile road. Here is our transportation. They basically put chairs on the back end of the bus. We had beautiful air conditioning when the bus was moving.

At least they had beautiful flowers in the bus. They were real.

Our first stop was to a small family run business that made tye-dye sarongs. The building had fresh palm leaves which was exceedingly nice.

After the demonstration on how they made these, they asked for a volunteer to demonstrate how the sarongs were made. Nobody volunteered, but all of a sudden Rexie was pushed forward. I swear I did not do it.

Walking across the roadway to the water’s edge, I found a coconut bobbing in the water. In all the islands, this was a very familiar sight.

We saw many boats that were raised above the water. We were told this was to keep the barnacles from damaging the boats. They were everywhere.

We passed a coconut farm. Think about this. Why have a coconut farm when there are coconut trees everywhere. Did not make a bit of sense to me. Oh well…

One of the unique items on Bora Bora was that they had no cemeteries. The families buried their dead in front of their homes. It was different to drive along the road and see grave after grave in front of homes.

Again, we see beautiful waters everywhere we drive around the island.

One of our stops was at Bloody Mary’s. In the front these signs list all the important people that had stopped at Bloody Mary’s. I looked and looked, but I couldn’t find my name. I guess they’ll put it up after I leave. I probably should go back and verify it has been done. Probably not. OI need to give them plenty of time to accomplish that.


Supposedly, this island was the inspiration for Gilligan’s Island. It doesn’t look like much of an inspiration to me.  I wonder if they had spent too long at Bloody Mary’s?

This was another Tender port.  I got a nice picture of the Spirit as we came back to the ship.

Leaving our last Tahitian port, we had a pod of whales (a baby and two adults) playing near the ship. We saw more whales here than when we went whale watching in Alaska. 

I must be off!

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