Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Saturday, October 13, 2012

We are in Fiji today, but I wanted to talk about crossing the equator.

As we cross the equator, the ships horn sounds.  It is about 9:45 pm and the crowd goes wild. We have been gathered to watch the initiation of the pollywogs into shellbacks once King Neptune has deemed us worthy.
I realize that my son would say this is not how it happens in his Navy, but it has been determined that we will have a representation of the ship for this initiation.
After the horn sounds, they bring a few of the crew in front of the crowd. They are a scurvy bunch of seamen, or should I say entertainment staff. 

The Captain and his staff have been invited to watch the events.

Next King Neptune comes in with his all-female entourage, or are they mermaids?

Next, King Neptune talks about the importance of those crossing the equator and how important it is to be worthy of the title, shellback.

Then it comes time to judge the pollywogs and see if they are worthy.

They are a scurvy bunch and don’t take lightly to being judged.

But judge them, King Neptune does. All are found NOT worthy.

 Each one is required to kiss the fish and everyone in the audience takes up the chant, “Kiss the fish”. Better them than us.

As you can see, this is a real fish.

This scurvy bunch is then thrown into the sea (or plastic swimming pool), and have old smelly ground up food thrown on them.

And then it is discovered that one of the Captain’s staff is also a Pollywog. Notice his nice white uniform. It doesn’t stay that way for long as the Captain himself passes judgment and the officer kisses the fish and is thrown into the sea (i.e. plastic swimming pool).

 The merriment is over and we have all become shellbacks. What is even funnier is that when everything was done, they couldn’t get the water hose to work to spray the scurvy crew off.

I must be off and I must be a shellback.  Eat your heart out pollywogs.

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