Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Friday, October 19, 2012

After getting to our hotel, we decided to do some exploring. Nothing extensive, just a little walk.

We went down to the City Rail station (subway) to see what it looked like. Our hotel is directly above the station and one of the entrances is next door from our front entrance.

We go down and are looking around trying to figure out what to do when I spied a door that said information. So we went in. The guy there was so friendly and helpful that we ended up buying a 7-day multi pass that allows us on all of the City rail lines, the trams, and the ferries.

Armed with our new passes, we decided to go to Central Station, which supposedly has many restaurants around it.

We get out and as we are walking down the ramp we see a couple of places to eat. They have no seats inside, but everything is carry out or there are a couple of tables outside. We pass on those places. As we get to the street, I take this photo of one of the bridge bringing the trains into the station.

So we start walking around the building. We keep walking around the building and still don’t see any restaurants. Eventually we see a sign directing us to the station again. What we actually enter is the old grand concourse. This is the actual station for the trains that can take you anywhere in Australia. This is a pretty neat place, but still I see no places to eat.

Finally, at the end of the concourse, we find Burger King. Wait a minute… It is called Hungry Jacks. We look at the menu and it is a Burger King, but has been named differently for some reason. Later, we find out that all the Burger Kings are named Hungry Jacks.

To make a long story short, we didn’t eat here.

Instead, we ended up at the first carry out restaurants we saw and ordered a couple of pieces of pizza and some chicken nuggets. I ordered a coke and found that each coke bottles has a date and so I picked our anniversary year. I am really a softy. Anyways, you can go online and hear a song from that year for free. This is some kind of promotion for a company like iTunes.

We sit at the outdoor tables and find out this is really a bad idea. There are all kinds of sea gulls that come swooping in waiting for some food. I actually saw a sea gull land on a table and take food out of someone’s hand. They were not feeding it.

Then the big boys came in. I have no idea what kind of bird this is, when he started eyeing our food, we left real quick.

So, we get back to the CityRail station and take our train to the hotel. Rexie at this point tells me she is NOT eating outdoors again. Period!

So, on our very first day we did some exploring. I probably should point out that we have felt very safe in both above ground and in the subways. On the streets, the people have been nice and helpful when we asked them questions   In the subways, the stations are clean and neat. There are a number of employees at each station and we have had no problem with this exploration.

We didn't get robbed, mugged, lost, or stranded. Yeah! We are ready to take on Sydney.

I must be off!

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