Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Sunday, November 20, 2011

We Are Home - Finally!

At 5:15am, we were not ready to get off the ship, but Carnival insisted. So, we get up, have a little breakfast, and we are off the ship by 7:30am. We got to the airport with plenty of time to spare and got on board the plane to Charlotte.

We get to Charlotte, and we only have 35 minutes (instead of 1 hour and 35 minutes) to make the next connection. I forgot about daily savings time changing.

If you have ever been to Charlotte, it is not easy to go from one terminal to another. So, we flag down one of the "golf carts" and we are off.. Not really! The terminal is so crowded we can not get through. We inch our way along and the driver takes us as far as they can go and and we switch to another cart. They take us as far as they can and we wait on another cart. As we wait, we verify that the gate is still correct. It is!

As we get on the cart, I tell the driver we only have 15 minutes to get to the gate. She said that would not be a problem. Now we are flying ( as fast as a golf cart can go) because this terminal does not have many passengers walking around at this time. We get to the gate and it says Lynchburg. Lynchburg? What happened to our plane? Now the driver is starting to panic also.  I probably should mentioned I had already panicked.

Another airline employee sees us all panicking and asked what flight we wanted. She then informs us that our plane is delayed and instead of leaving at 4:11pm will leave about 6:15pm.

After my heart gets back to beating again, I realize we had made it. It was the plane that was late, not us. As it was, we didn't actually leave until almost 7pm.

Now we are home, got the luggage in, played with the cat, and we are off to bed. 18 hour days spent traveling (more waiting than traveling) and we are pooped!


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