Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Messina: The City - The Strait

Another day in the Atlantic Ocean and it is raining cats and dogs. Should that be dolphins and whales?
We spent two different days in the port of Messina and actually went through the Strait of Messina on our way to Croatia and Venice. I shared our trip to Taormina and the Greek Theater last time and today I would like to share pictures of the strait and the city.

Again, we have various shots of the city.

Here are some shots of the city as seen from the ship.

We stopped at the cathedral square and visited the cathedral and the unusual astronomical clock. The cathedral square is full of tourists as this is one of the major attractions in town.

The clock comes to life at noon and we plan on being back then to see the show.

The cathedral looks small next to the clock.

The inside is dark and not nearly as well lit as other cathedrals we have visited. However, they have a treasure room in which a number of items are on display for not only the cathedral, but many small churches from around the area. These items have been donated by kings, bishops, nobles, and humble people. From the outside, the cathedral did not look to have anything like what we saw in the treasure room. Unfortunately, no pictures were allowed to be taken inside this room.

We then go see the narrowest point between Sicily and the Toe of Italy.

Here are a couple of shots of the narrowest point as seen from the ship.

One of the things we have grown to like (probably more like love) is the pistachio gelato that we get at the Italian Gelateria.

This is a shot of one of many rivers/streams in Europe that are dry. They have had a very dry summer and it doesn’t seem rain is in the near future, until today. The first part of the tour this last day was beautiful.

As the rain got worse, at least we were inside a closed bus unlike these poor, soaked tourists from a different ship. At least they gave them raincoats like that was going to help.

As go back to the clock for the Noon show, the rain stops. Hopefully, we will have a clear afternoon. Well, it doesn’t happen. As the clock nears noon, the rain begins again. By the end of the show, which lasts about 20 minutes, it is pouring rain. We have heard the show is amazing, so we get wet and watch.

As the music begins (classical religious songs), the lion waves his tail and the flag three times.

Next, the lion raises its head and roars. He does this three times also.

Next the rooster raises its wings and crows. This is repeated three times.

Next, the cathedral begins rising from the ground as the dove circles it three times. As it reaches its full height, the dove disappears.

Next, all the disciples come out, bow to the Virgin Mary, and continue around the front until all have completed the trip.

By this time, the rain was like we had a cloud burst. It was interesting, that the square was crowded and it appeared that no one left because of the rain. This clock was something to see. This is a must see if you travel to Messina.

Here are a few shots from the ship of the harbor.

This is a picture of one of the many ferries that cruise the Mediterranean. Many of these, including this one, take cars and trucks to its destination.

As we came through the strait on our way to Venice, it was quite early and we were able to get several photos of the strait as the sun came up.

As I looked to the shore, everything was bathed in a beautiful gold color of morning.

And then it was over…

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