Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Rome - Part 5

Finally, I got a chance to get back to posting some of our pictures. Mary ended up going back into the hospital a second time, I had classes to get ready for the Winter quarter, and just plain had other things to do.

So, back to Rome. After the restaurant, we actually went to the Vatican. We actually went to the Vatican the second time we were in Rome also. So, I thought it best to finish the our first day in Rome, which was a trip to the Colosseum.

As we drove from the Vatican to the Colosseum, again we went by numerous places that really looked like something that we should visit the next time we are in Rome.

We even came across another viaduct. I don't think this was the same one we had seen earlier, but once you have seen one Roman Viaduct, you have seen them all. (just joking).

As we are heading to the Colosseum, we had a treat as the guide took us by the Circus Maximus, or what is left of it. I realize it is hard to see that this is what it is, but with a little imagination, you can just envision the chariots racing down the long straight-away heading into the turn.

While very  little is left today, you can see some of the nearby buildings and a few stones that have not been taken to build other places in Rome, including the Vatican. Still an amazing place. I wish we had time to just walk the track and let our minds wander with the wonders of time past.

The Circus Maximus is only a couple of blocks away from the Colosseum which is why it was real easy to see each at the end of the day.

As we get our first glimpse of the Colosseum, it looks big. and then we get closer and find out that what we are seeing is is not the ground floor, but at least the second level. We have to walk almost all the way around the outside to get to the entrance.

The lines are long, but again we get to bypass them as we are in a tour group and walk almost directly into the Colosseum. This level, which is the ground level is huge. Keep in mind that, for the most part, this is designed no different from today's football or baseball stadiums.

As we stand and listen to our guide, we realize just how big the place is. Next, we get to go to the second level. What a treat. We can now see down into the basement level.

As we go back down to the ground level and head to the exit, we get a chance to see a painting of what the Colosseum looked like with people in it. We are actually walking where as many as 50,000 spectators walked watching an event in Roman times.

As we walk around the inside of the arena, we are amazed at this structure. Again, we are reminded that many of the stones have been taken for other projects through Rome including the Vatican.

Then we are told that we are standing on the very spot the Roman Emperors sat during the games.

What a view.

As the sun sets on the Colosseum, we head back to the bus and our long drive to the ship. This has been a long, but very exciting day.

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