Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rome - Part 4

Rexie has been in the hospital for a few days, but she is back home and feeling much better. So, I can continue with Rome.

After we finally get back on the bus, we are ready to eat. That;s good, because we are heading to an Italian restaurant. As we leave the old gate, we cross the Tiber River and follow it for a couple of miles.

I have mentioned previously about how the people of Europe park. Again we found a perfect example of park where you can while we passed along the Tiber River. I guess it pays to have a small car.

Again, we find up-to-date trolley lines.

We get to the restaurant, La Gattabuia. I just found out that gattabuia is slang for jail or prison as I was writing this blog. I can tell you that it did not feel like a jail or prison, but it was tucked away downstairs.

The decor was interesting. Sort of what you would find in Cracker Barrel - old...

We had a nice meal of salad, lasagna, bread, and either white or red wine. We were sitting in a perfect spot to see them cut their bread and throw in their bread bin. You can actually see him cutting the bread.

After the meal, we all felt much better. As we were waiting outside for everyone else to finish, I noticed this emblem on the corner of a building.

Then I realized the building we were standing next to was extremely important maintaining and keeping the antiques accessible and preserved in Rome.

Next we visited the Vatican. Since we went to the Vatican again on our second visit to Rome, I will keep that for later a later blog.

Last, we went to see the Coliseum. You have seen anything yet folks.

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