Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Europe Revisited

After the first cruise, we get to do it again with new and improved zest! Here are the plans for our second cruise:

  • Day 1 - Depart Barcelona, Spain - Since this is also the last day of the first cruise, we say goodbye to our family as they have work and school to go back to.Sometimes being retired does not suck at all.
  • Day 2 - Marseilles, France - As this is our second time to dock in Marseilles, we plan on traveling back in time as we explore the historical pleasures of Aries and Les Baux de Provence. Arles is known as the Rome of ancient Gaule and was the location where Vincent Van Gogh painted some of his best known works. While we walk in the footsteps of Vincent Van Gogh, we get to visit the Roman amphitheater and the beautiful Romanesque St Trophime church. Next, we travel to Aix En Provence, the capital of the Provence region. We will walk through the Cours Mirabeau. This wide avenue was built in the 1600s on the sit of the city's medieval ramparts. We will view a fountain dating back to 1743 bonwon for producin warm water and to have healing properties. healing, here I come!!!!
  • Day 3 - Savona, Itally - We will discover the historical pleasures of Genoa, meandering through the backstreets, discovering the shops, boutiques, and small cafes along the way. Old time shopping? I am ready!
  • Day 4 - Civitavecchia, Italy - This will be our second trip to Rome. This time, we plan on visiting more of the Italian countryside. We will drive along the new Appean Way, which now runs adjacent to the old one which was one of the first ancient Roman military roads. I can just visualize the Roman legions returning from foreign lands. Wow! We will stop for a short stroll through the lovely medieval town of Castelgandolfo where the Popes have kept their summer residence for centuries. Our final destination will be the Monte Due Torri Farmhouse. Here, after a relaxing tour of the property, we will assist in  preparing our hand made pasta meal before enjoying the brunch in the farmhouse with plenty of homemade wine. Thank goodness for having a bus to take us back to our ship.
  • Day 5 - Naples, Italy - On this second visit to Naples, we will be taking a walking tour through the narrow streets of the Napoli quarter, always full of lie and interest. Antique stalls and bookshops, tiny grocery shops and fruit stands, and above all, the gesticulating Neapolitans hold our attention as we continue walking. Next we visit the San Domenico Spare with its monumental church, pass by San Gregorio Armeno Street and enter the cave underground Naples with its old Roman Aqueduct. The underground caverns of Naples were born with the city and grew with it over the years. The history continues as the underground was used during WWII as bomb shelters. Next, we learn that pizza was invented in Naples in 1830 and it is known worldwide that Naples has the best, different from anywhere else. We will be shown a proper "Pizzaiolo" and it will be explained how to make and cook a pizza in the original wood oven. I can't wait as a generous taste of pizza will be served after the demonstration. Notice the food theme going on here!
  • Day 6 - Fun Day at Sea - Finally, another chance to rest from a whirl-wind of excursions.
  • Day 7 - Dubrovnik, Croatia - Today, we take a short sail to Lokrum, a nature preserve, rich in history. Next we enjoy a walking tour in the Old City. In the 12 Century, Benedictine monks built a monastery on the island and have occupied it for over 600 years. The American continent was discovered 3 centuries later. Can you image?
  • Day 8 & 9 -Venice, Italy - We will spend two days in Venice. Of course, we plan on taking an evening gondola ride. Wouldn't you if you had a chance? The last gondola ride I had was in the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas. I imagine this will be a little different. What else are we going to do? Who knows, but there is plenty to see. Obviously, words will not be able to adequately describe the majesty of Venice as it is revealed from its most dramatic perspective, the water.
  • Day 10 - Fun Day at Sea - We enjoy the sail around the boot of Italy.
  • Day 11 - Messina, Italy - Today, we get to view Sicily's still active volcano, Mt. Etna, as we travel to a 110 year old Sicilian villa to see the creation of some local works of jewelry art. I love buying jewelry and Rexie loves getting it. Our perfect excursion.
  • Day 12 - Fun Day at Sea - We need this day to travel the length of the Mediterraean Sea heading back to Barcelona.
  • Day 13 - Barcelona, Spain - This ends our Mediterranean cruising. Next, we head across the Atlantic Ocean.
I must be off!

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