Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Izmir, Turkey

The next port we stopped at was Izmir, Turkey. This was another port we had never been to and looked forward to visiting. It was a port I will always remember.

Not for the beautiful and fantastic sites, but for the fact that I was quarantined in my cabin for the day by the medical staff. I had a GI issue and when I visited medical, they quarantined me for the day. I was restricted to the cabin and could only order food from room service and then it was only broth, jello, and toast.
24 Hours later, I was released by medical, but I had missed Izmir, Turkey.

Rexie went out on the dock by herself to buy a magnet. It is amazing the pull a magnet has on people. Then, she picked up one of the comedians on her way back. We had seen Anthony on the Legend just a couple of weeks earlier and she walked back with him to the ship.

Here are some pictures she took of her short excursion of the dock at Izmir, Turkey.

Rexie has been trying to buy a bottle of local wine in each port. Here is the bottle from Turkey. Notice it is empty and it wasn’t me.

So, we have to come back to Turkey again sometime as I really messed up our visit.

I must be off.

1 comment:

Kelly Utsinger said...

This is the first chance I've had to look at the blog. Sorry you missed Turkey, but glad you're ok!!