Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Friday, November 22, 2013

Rome, Italy

Our next port is Civitavecchia, which is the closest port to Rome. As we leave the ship, the old ruins are evident even here.

It is a long bus ride to Rome, but we finally get to the outskirts.

Since this is the third time we have been to Rome, we decide to take the Panoramic Tour of Rome. This means very little walking. Instead, we will drive by many of the most important highlights of Rome.

Our first highlight is the Circus Maximus. It just looks like a big flat valley. However you can just envision the chariot races in this location.

Behind the Circus Maximus, stands the old Emporer’s palace.

Rome, like many other European cities, has restricted vehicles from many of the historical monuments. This makes our driving by these monuments a little more difficult.

Here is one of the gates o the old city.

Antiquities are everywhere you look. This is what is so amazing about Rome.

We do get a chance to pass the Spanish Steps. Rexie and I never had a chance to climb these in our other visits. It may be too late now with her knee and ankle problems.

As we drive, we get glimpses of the Colosseum.

On a previous visit, we had a chance to go into the Colosseum. It is quite amazing. If this interests you, check out my blog from Rome from October/November 2011.

As we head to the Vatican, little did we know the traffic jam we will be a part of. It is massive and even the bus driver got upset and he drives here all the time.

Of course, Rome has some nice trolleys.

As we turn the corner, we get a straight on view of St. Peter’s Basilica.

The last time, we were allowed to get off and on the bus on this street. Now, we have to go a couple of blocks away to park. I mentioned earlier the new rules around monuments.

Here we get a chance to get off the bus and walk to St. Peter’s Square. We do not have time to go into St. Peter’s, but for many of our fellow guests, this is a new experience for them. St. Peter's Square has an energy about it and it is hard to explain unless you have been there. 

On Wednesdays, the Pope blesses people in the square. They have the chairs out for tomorrows blessing.

Something new since our last visit is the Vatican Post Office. This is sitting on St. Peter’s Square. The reason for this is that prior to the new rules, the post office was located near where the buses loaded and unloaded. Now, hardly anyone goes that direction. So, they put up a mobile post office.

You know I have a thing for mail boxes.

This poster was up advertising a concert. It just seemed so appropriate for this place.

While we are waiting to go back to the bus, I spotted this “car.” Not sure you can really call it a car, but in Rome it fits in perfectly.

And of course, the Swiss guards always guard the Pope.

The last two times we were in Rome, we walked and walked. This time, we got to see a few different things from a different viewpoint. I love Rome and hope to get back someday and spend all day in the Vatican museum. It is amazing, but this year was not the year.

I must be off!

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