Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Saturday, September 15, 2012

We are cruising again. Currently, we are in Skagway, Alaska. 

On Monday, we arrived in Seattle, waiting on our cruise ship, the Carnival Spirit, which we will take all the way to Sydney, Australia.

On Thursday we were in Juneau, Alaska. It was raining and miserably cold. However, Rexie and I went dog sledding. Because it is Summer (couldn't prove it by me), the dogs were in training. We road in a wheeled cart hauling six people and the musher.

All these dogs wanted to do was run. They were so excited when they were stopped, it was unreal.

Yesterday we went into Glacier Bay and and went to the head of the Grand Pacific Glacier and to the John Hopkins Glacier. It was a beautiful day and the park rangers that were with us said that this was one of the two best days his year to see the glaciers. Here you can see a glacier where direct got compacted between the layers.

Because of the overcast, it is tough to see how blue the glacier is.

Today, we were in Skagway and took a city tour of Skagway on the street car. It has gotten colder and we are looking to go to Hawaii soon. However, we have one more stop in Alaska and that is Ketchikan tomorrow.

That is all for now.


Pam Wagner said...

I was excited to get this and see you're cruising again! Have a wonderful time! Someday we'll be cruising again.

zoogrl said...

Kaylee and I were hoping for dog-sledding pics but they aren't showing up. Guess we'll have to wait until you get home! All is well here, have fun!