Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yesterday, we were in Ketchikan, Alaska. The weather was just fabulous. They get rain 300 days a year and yesterday we had sun.

Here is a shot of town. It is a beautiful spot with well preserved buildings.

We decided to take a "Duck" tour and was very concerned about getting cold out on the water. So we all bundled up. You can see that they have Plexiglas on the sides and on the top (look at the second picture of the duck). We actually got very warm from the sun, but needed our coats when walking through town..

As we got on, we found that our captain (it is a boat also) looked just like Willie Nelson. What do you think? He then proceeded to take off his wig and bandanna. Didn't look like Willie any shape or form. Notice that our tour guide was in shirt sleeves? She said it was one of the warmer days that had experienced in several weeks. She was very comfortable.

As we leave Ketchikan, the sun is just about ready to set. 

Rexie had a little excitement as she got to have another visit to the infirmary. She fell in the dinning room at breakfast. They took her to the infirmary in a wheelchair this time, instead of carrying her on a stretcher. Just bruised knees and wrists. Now she is sitting on the coach with ice bags in three places.

I guess with all the fog outside, she wanted to make things a little more exciting.

Tomorrow we land at Vancouver, and then we head to Hawaii. We have been told that there are 10 milestone cruisers and over two hundred platinum cruisers. Should be interesting.

I must be off!

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