Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our First Flight

Well, we made it to Charlotte. Just wanted to share one tiny, little, tidbit of humor as we wait to head for Philadelphia.

The plane we were on was tiny, and I really mean tiny. Didn't think they used prop planes for commercial service except in the islands and Alaska. We had a nice ride and could see the ground real well. We were told that we couldn't go higher because we didn't have oxygen. I told you it was small.

So, we are sitting under the wing (that is correct, under the wing not over it) and I warned Rexie that the wheel would be coming down and not to panic. Should have saved by breath.

She didn't panic, but as the wheel comes out of the wing, she lets out a squeal that everyone in the plane heard. In her defense, it was a small plane. Anyhow, the woman behind us starts laughing and then apologizes as she realized what she was doing. We land and Rexie is glad to get off.

This is the first time I have been in the Charlotte airport in 30 years. Boy has it grown. Going from one terminal to another seemed to take forever. We decide to have lunch and find that the drink prices are pretty steep. (Did you like that transition to a different topic?)

On various blogs, there is a running dialog about the price of drinks on a cruise ship. The people that are complaining should buy a drink in the airport and then they would keep there mouth shut. Anyhow, Rexie has decided that she is going to stick with the traditional drinks on the cruise ship like Tom Collins, etc. She said that she is interested in getting more alcohol for the money than Woo-Hoo. That is an inside joke about one of the cruise directors who always ends his talk with Woo-Hoo. Anyhow, maybe she has already had one too many.

More later.

1 comment:

Pam Wagner said...

I'm assuming you made it to Barcelona? I am enjoying your posts and living vicariously through you!