Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Thursday, October 27, 2011


The Montserrat Mountain Range is located northwest of Barcelona and is considered to be one of Spain’s most picturesque areas. 

Years ago, the people of this region saw an image of the Virgin Mary high in the mountain. The Benedictines built a monastery on this very sight in the 11th century. The monastery is literally perched on the side of the mountain. Today, it is still a Benedictine Monastery and home of the 12th century Black Virgin of Montserrat.
Today, you can reach the monastery by a very winding road or a funicular.

As you reach the area, it is just amazing how the numerous buildings have been built on the site. Almost all of the buildings have been rebuilt as Napoleon decided to burn everything on the mountain. We have come to find out that Napoleon burned just about everything in Europe.

As you walk towards the Basilica, you can feel the serenity of the site. It is extremely peaceful on top of this mountain. You can just imagine the traveler of old taking these last few steps as they reached their journey's end.

 The Basilica is beautiful both inside and out.

Earlier, I mentioned that this is also home of the Black Virgin Mary. Nobody knows why, but The Virgin Mary turned black in the 12th Century. Some think it is a reaction the wood had to the mountain air. Some think is was a miracle from God.

As we finish our tour, you can feel the evening mist in the air as the sun begins to set. This has been a beautiful ending to a great day.

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