Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Monday, April 1, 2013

Puerto Quertzal, Guatemala

We made it to Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala. They really wanted us there as they had two signs welcoming us.

Again, no excursion because of the lack of handicap vehicles available. Since the port was not near the city, we just went into the port to look around.

As we walk off the pier, we are welcomed with a xylophone band playing some lively tunes. 

As we walk around the little shops that have been set up, we see the same type of homemade products.

At one stand, a young lady was actually loom weaving. Talk about tedious work. 

As we go back to the ship, I realize that we have scrapped the heck out of the sides of the ship as we went through the Panama Canal. Apparently, both sides need some paint now.

This shot was taken at about 5:00 pm. All passengers were to be back on board by 4:30pm, but many of the tour buses were late. There were still 5 more buses that came in between 5:00pm and 5:15pm. We heard that they had at least three different buses break down during the day.

At about 5:40pm, we had everyone on board except for two people who missed the ship. We sailed without them. From what I hear, it is not easy to get out of Puerto Quetzal as it is about 2 hours from Guatemala City. I bet they had a bad day. I never did hear if they met us in Cabo San Lucas or not.

Another port and another day closer to Long Beach.

I must be off.

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