Rexie and Rexcat

Rexie and Rexcat
Rexie and Rexcat standing in front of the monastery at Montserrat

Saturday, March 16, 2013

We are off again!

We are now in New York City, waiting to go to the ship Carnival Miracle. For the next 16 days, we will be heading to Los Angeles (actually Long Beach). We will be going through the Panama Canal. we will also be visiting Grand Turk; Cartegena, Columbia; Puntarenas, Costa Rica; PuertoQuestzal, Guatemala; and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Our only problem is that Rexie had partial knee replacement (right knee) on December 28. Everything was going fine with her recovery until February 4 when she fell and broke her LEFT ankle in two places. Before surgery, the Doctor said, "technically speaking, her ankle is a mess." So surgery, 2 long screws on one side and a plate and 6 screws on the other she is in a wheel chair until At least April 7. No weight can be put on it at all.

By the way, we had our Grandson bring over his metal detector to verify she does have metal in her knee and ankle. It beeped like crazy. Thanks, Ian.

Last night, we met up with our friend from Texas, Susan, and her sister, Brenda. Susan will be going on the cruise with us, so we intend to have a great time even though Rexie is in her wheelchair  (make that a very good time) Hey, at least I get to push her around!!!!!

I need to (don't really need to, but want to) mention that Ted Koppel sat right behind us from Washington DC to New York. Rexie (talking to me) made several comments about how good Carnival was taking care of the passengers after the incidents of the past week or so. It won't change his mind, because he probably already considers us a Carnival Groupie. I refer Carnial Lackey, it has a little more class to it. :-)

More later. We must be off!

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